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My latest crack at a "Retirement Portfolio"

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Is it time to take some profits?

The market is up. It is off its highest highs but it is still up. Is it time to take some profits off the table?

For years I have simply practised buy-and-hold. Oh, I have been known to sell a little but not nearly enough. For instance, I held a lot of Nutrien when it was selling for about $145. I should have sold three quarters of my holdings but I didn't. By the time I sold, Nutrien was selling for $75. My tardiness cost me tens of thousands of dollars.

The money market fund I in which I park my cash, is no longer paying interest of four percent or more. Still, I am going to sell some of my portfolio and keep the cash in a money market fund (TDB8150). The hard decision here is what exactly do I sell?

I'm leaning to selling stock that yields less than the interest earned by cash in a money market fund. I am also considering parting with some of my stock that is selling for more than its target price.

If there is a downturn coming in the next 12 months, I will be ready to take advantage of any bargains being offered in the stock market.

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