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My latest crack at a "Retirement Portfolio"

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A TD Rep Critiqued My Portfolio: Passed!

I got a call late last week from my neighbourhood TD branch to arrange an interview with one of their experts who would critique my portfolio. I have always said "no thanks" to these invites but not this time. I decided to toughen up and take some criticism.

So, today at 10 a.m. sharp I was sitting in a small office with a TD rep hearing how well I was doing. He liked my all equity portfolio. He understood why I had absolutely no bonds in my portfolio and agreed with my decision. Quelle surprise! 

I explained how I made all the withdrawals from my RIFs and LIFs demanded by the government as withdrawals inkind. Withdrawals above the minimum, the ones that are taxed immediately, I withdraw as cash. He could see my reasoning and as my approach has been working for the past fifteen years or so, why disturb something with a solid history of working. If it ain't broke . . .

We sat and chatted for an hour. I escaped being given a dressing down. He had one suggestion and only one suggestion: I should maximize my effort to reduce the money held in my RIFs and LIFs. Upon the death of my wife and me, the money in these registered accounts will be income for my estate and may face an income tax of something like 53%. He told me to find some ways to pass more money onto my children and pass less onto the government.

I liked this rep and will spend some time with all the info he gave me as I departed.

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